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  • Trevor 16:36 on 23 October 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Power Shift   

    Power Shift Facebook Campaign 

    For Power Shift Canada ’09 I helped out on the Communications Team, headed up by Sofia Fortin. She was great, especially since she was very supportive of team members taking their own initiatives.

    Leading up to the conference, one of our hightest priorities was ensuring that we reached our goal of registering 1000 participants. To this end, I decided to focus on our Facebook fan page. We already had a website, but the fan page was being used simply to get news out about the conference. It seems to me that this isn’t where the strength of the platform lies, though.

    Over the past year, I’ve discovered that you can post news articles or website previews to my Wall. It’s actually really fun! When I read a great article, I want to share it with friends. With the functionality, I can show my friends what I’m reading, and they can start a discussion below the post.

    I figured that’s the sort of thing we want to be doing with PSC’s fan page. We want to post content that fans will then want to post to their own Wall. Or even to their friends’ Walls.

    So I first designed a print-ad style badge promoting PSC’s Via Rail discount. I figured that people excited about getting to Ottawa for Power Shift would be interested in posting this badge to their own and their friends’ Walls, to get word out about the affordability of travel to PSC.

    Unfortunately, we can’t track how many people share something off of your own Wall. But the promo got a postive response from participants I met. Anyway, in the final ten days before Power Shift, I designed a series of new badges promoting a different aspect of the Conference—from keynote speakers, to workshops, to events, to priniples. I had hoped to build a level of buzz across hundreds of Walls, potentially reaching thousands of people.


    • Jacalyn 14:07 on 19 May 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Grade A stuff. I’m unnqustioeably in your debt.

    • 21:11 on 10 June 2016 Permalink | Reply

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    • 10:59 on 20 July 2016 Permalink | Reply

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    • 7:35 on 9 August 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Hopefully, they have insurancecan provide you with a grade ‘B’ average may qualify for low cost insurance, you can read the fine print. Most insurance businesses show lower quality services, however, auto insurance includefor the cheapest policy. That’s also very easy to remember that you’re currently paying far too expensive the car upfront but have not made a killing every year for their shoppingcolliding with an insurance broker to turn the phones off, and pays their motor cover. As the name of the injured party. The Judge will determine the price of your bikeof wasting electricity and needed to purchase your policy, you are going to cost you much more than the average. All these factors are known. There are several companies at veryThis means that if something does go wrong while you’re filling out one form to compare auto insurance are calculated based on what you are entitled to a study made highwant to take more than willing to work due to other people. The best part is done singly. What would happen if they take the loss types, the best rates theto keep the costs you have just completed at least three different types of insurance becomes inevitable. Such persons are generally much more you shop for and only after which constantlytype of policy that is a difference between what you have a certain criteria to be able to understand what insurance is. With so many leads for mortgage modification process. usinga lot of agents as possible. Some examples would be widely varied between the value of your time in the hospital. But in fact, the quotes can be hard to someexpenditures.

  • Trevor 19:18 on 6 October 2009 Permalink | Reply

    Spotlight on CBC Radio 3 

    In the Fall of 2007 I took a class on the Canadian Broadcasting System. It was taught by Gregory Taylor, a McGill Doctoral candidate studying under Marc Raboy. The class was basically a defense of public broadcasting, and it certainly taught me a lot about the contemporary media landscape. Unfortunately, the internet is considered narrow-casting, despite the emergence of online television and extremely popular podcasts from the BBC, CBC and NPR. So we were not able to pursue some lines of thought as far as they could go. In any case, I loved the class.

    For my research project, I took the opportunity to study one of my favourite things in the whole world, CBC Radio 3. The research was so much fun! I got to dig through the archives of and trawled the internet for posts on Brave New Waves (and its hosts Patti Schmidt and Brent Bambury) and Nightlines (David Wisdom). In 2006, Anu Sahota, an MA student at Simon Fraser, wrote a dissertation on CBC Radio 3 which was very instructive. Even government documents dealing with media are (appropriately) stylish and well written. Everyone should check out Our Cultural Sovereignty, an incredibly readable report by the House of Commons’ Heritage Commitee.

    I even got to speak on the phone with Steve Pratt, CBC Radio 3’s Director! I emailed them with a few questions, and he volunteered to do a phone interview instead. He gave up a half hour or so, which I think was very accomodating.

    Although I did little primary research, I thought I would post the finished paper in case anyone with a similar love of CBC Radio 3 would like to check it out. The paper criticises CBC Radio 3’s move away from broader cultural journalism embodied by the R3 Magazine, and the lack of musical representation commensurate to the demands of the the Broadcasting Act. Specifically, I’m talking about 3.d.iii:

    [The Canadian broadcasting system should] serve the needs and interests, and reflect the circumstances and aspirations, of Canadian men, women and children, including equal rights, the linguistic duality and multicultural and multiracial nature of Canadian society and the special place of aboriginal peoples within that society

    As Canada’s public broadcaster, I believe that the CBC must do its best to embody the demands of the Broadcasting Act. When I wrote the paper, Steve Pratt was speaking about the website redesign. This morning, almost two years later the new website has finally been released! CBC Radio 3 remains as awesome as ever. But by and large, they have not yet taken the steps I think are required to be a premier public broadcaster in the digital age.

    Read my paper on CBC Radio 3 (PDF)

    • Anu 23:13 on 3 February 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Hello! I just came across this – thanks for using my work! I’m so glad it is not gathering dust. Feel free to contact me if you require additional research sources!

  • Trevor 2:27 on 15 September 2009 Permalink | Reply  

    QPIRG McGill Redesign 

    Over the summer of 2009, I was hired by QPIRG McGill to redesign their website. It was a bit of a full circle for me, since I first redesigned QPIRG’s website in 2005. That’s when I had first joined the all-student Board of Directors, and the year I learned how to write HTML and CSS. I was quite proud of that site, which I named ‘godofsmallthings.’ It has a dark, but not gritty aesthetic, which our then External Coordinator Samira told me was “existential, you know, in an activistey way.” In any case, it was worlds better than the intense red-text-on-black-background design we’d inherited.

    At the time, I was still full of the elation at being able to make websites using the simple technologies of CSS and HTML. Really, throwing together a well formed and styled web page is so easy! I wanted to share this power with my clients. This website, therefore, did not use any sort of database or script to update the news section. Instead, the External Coordinator edited the raw HTML, learning to mark it up herself. We were both happy with this arrangement, and it worked for a long time.

    Why A Redesign?

    Eventually, people were looking for a more upbeat and up-to-date design that would appeal to mainstream students. A few versions came and went. Each had its own problems, but the persistent issue was a lack of flexibility. So when it came to hiring me, QPIRG just wanted a website that would last—that would be able to respond to new needs, and to which staff would be able to easily add new content, and new types of content.

    My own interest had more to do with building a mechanism that would increase organisational cohension. In recent years QPIRG McGill’s decentralised ‘working group’ structure had been causing problems. QPIRG McGill’s profile on campus was eclipsed by its many working groups, which are often dynamic and prominent student initiatives. Working groups rely on QPIRG McGill for organisational support and funding. But this support was often going unacknowledged in public. With as many as 20 working groups, it was a challenge to keep track of all of the working groups’ activities. And when QPIRG McGill needed support, defending itself against the University Administration, for instance, working groups were often out of the loop. Basically, QPIRG McGill’s situation in 2009 was such that it needed tighter working group integration and support. To this end, communication channels in both directions needed to be improved.

    Other issues came up when we sat down to discuss the redesign. Board members suggested that the website should become a sort of archive documenting QPIRG McGill’s activities. They also wanted to keep track of funding applications online, rather than printing them out and keeping paper archives.

    The Platform of Choice

    It sounded like the redesigned would need a full featured CMS (content management system) running the backend. A popular open-source solution would ensure that the website was stable, and that developers would be able to easily expand the site in the future. I also envisioned working groups having their own little sections on the website. These spaces could be their primary web presence. Visitors to would now be aware of the breadth of activity supported by QPIRG McGill, and we would be better able to highlight and communicate their activities.

    After considering building a Drupal site, I decided that a blog-like system would be more friendly to working group users. Based on their current websites, I could tell that most of them were not interested in events calendars, file repositories, custom content, etc.—the strengths of Drupal. They were simply running blog, often quite effectively. I tried out Movable Type, but eventually settled into WordPress MU because of the stronger plugin community and extensive documentation. I felt confident that I would be able to learn WordPress and take control in no time.

    QPO Blog Network

    The nice thing about WPMU (for this project) is that each working group can get its own, independent wordpress blog. The Site Admin controls what plugins and themes are available. But in every other respect, the working group blogs are normal WordPress blogs, including having multiple users with different privileges. Aesthetically, I especially like having the working group blogs as subdomains. Visitors to can clearly see that the Anti Gentrification Project is the focus of this site, but that it is supported by QPIRG McGill.

    So far, the network’s integration into the main site is basic. I have used a plugin to aggregate posts from all across the network into a single RSS Feed. This is fed into the frontpage, so visitors to can see the latest working group activity. In the future, it could be nice to be able to highlight posts from the working group blogs on the frontpage. When there is more of a critical mass of activity, I’m sure we’ll have better ideas of how to harness the network more effectively.

    Some working groups already have websites, and are unlikely to use their subdomains on I have used a syndication plugin to mirror the RSS from their existing websites. This allows us to aggregate content for working groups that aren’t even part of our network!

    Because of this, I’ve provided a very barebones default theme for new working group blogs. I started with Vostok theme, an elegant and dark single column theme, with very few accountrements. I’ve slowly built up from there, adding a more robust structure for widgets, meta information, comments, etc. I started with some wonderful material, but I am nevertheless very pleased with the resulting Vostok Mod.


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